
This example is part of the smart contracts presented in [AB+18POST].

In many concrete scenarios one would like to make the execution of a contract depend on some real-world events, e.g. results of football matches for a betting contract, or feeds of flight delays for an insurance contract. However, the evaluation of Bitcoin scripts can not depend on the environment, so in these scenarios one has to resort to a trusted third-party, or oracle, who notifies real-world events by providing signatures on certain transactions.

For example, assume that Alice wants to transfer 1 BTC to Bob only if a certain event, notified by the oracle Oscar, happens. To do that, Alice puts on the blockchain the transaction T which can be redeemed by a transactions carrying the signatures of both Bob and Oscar. Further, Alice instructs the oracle to provide her signature to Bob upon the occurrence of the expected event.

Assume that the needed amount to pay Bob is stored in an actual transaction redeemable by Alice. We model that transaction in the editor using a fake coinbase transaction A_funds.

// Alice's public key
const kApub = pubkey:03ff41f23b70b1c83b01914eb223d7a97a6c2b24e9a9ef2762bf25ed1c1b83c9c3

// tx with Alice's funds, redeemable with Alice's private key
transaction A_funds {
    input = _
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x). versig(kApub; x)

kApub is the public key of Alice and versig(kApub; x) checks that x is a valid signature for kApub. Assuming that only Alice owns the corresponding private part of kApub, she is the only one able to spend A_funds.

Then, Alice creates the transaction T that spends A_funds:

// Alice's private key
const kA = key:cSthBXr8YQAexpKeh22LB9PdextVE1UJeahmyns5LzcmMDSy59L4
// Oscar's public key
const kOpub = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
// Bob's public key
const kBpub = pubkey:03859a0f601cf485a72ec097fddd798c694b0257f69f0229506f8ea923bc600c5e

transaction T {
    input = A_funds: sig(kA)
    output = 1 BTC: fun(sigB, sigO). versig(kBpub, kOpub; sigB, sigO)

Transaction T can be redeemed providing both the signatures of Bob and Oscar, respectively sigB and sigO. For example, Bob creates the transaction T1 as follows:

const kB = key:cQmSz3Tj3usor9byskhpCTfrmCM5cLetLU9Xw6y2csYhxSbKDzUn

transaction T1(sigO) {
    input = T: sig(kB) sigO
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x). versig(kB; x)

The parametric transaction T1 must be completed with Oscar’s signature. Oscar computes a valid signature as follows:

// Oscar's private key
const kO = key:cPCE8spaGuXbp4JEDR4G16hL47SP2GavdgWoDTaqQGCvNbdxZdeT
// the signature to send to Bob
const sigO = sig(kO) of T1(_)

Once Bob receives sigO, he computes T1(sigO) and spends the transaction T.

To conclude, oracles like the one needed in this contract are available as services in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Notice that, in case the event certified by Oscar never happens, the bitcoins within T are frozen forever.

Timeout constraint

In the previous case, if the event certified by the oracle never happens, the bitcoins within T are frozen forever. To solve this problem, Alice would like to take back her bitcoins after a given deadline. In order to do this, Alice can add a time constraint to the output script of T (we call this new one Ttimed), as shown below:

const dateD = 2018-12-31

transaction Ttimed {
    input = A_funds: sig(kA)
    output = 1 BTC: fun(sigma, sigO). versig(kBpub, kOpub; sigma, sigO)
                    || checkDate dateD : versig(kApub;sigma)

After the end of the year, Alice can redeem Ttimed, since the output script enables the second part of the or expression.