
This section describes the expression language of Balzac. Expressions are used, for example, in witnesses, in output values, within script definitions (with some limitations), and so on.


Balzac features classical expression literals such as strings, integers and boolean, and Bitcoin specific ones like private keys, public keys, addresses, hashes, signatures and transactions.

Literals can be expressed directly in the language and each literal corresponds to a specific type.


Integers are 64-bit signed numbers, whose type is int. Integers syntax is Java-like: digits can be separated with _ to improve readability and hexadecimal numbers are prefixed with 0x or 0X.


Dates and Delays

Balzac provides two different ways to express integers, in order to improve readability and avoid errors: dates and delays.

Dates are parsed as integers and represent the amount of seconds that have been passed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00. Balzac supports three different datetime format from Java DateTime:

  • DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE (e.g. 2018-01-31)

  • DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME (e.g. 2018-01-31T10:30:59)

  • DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME (e.g. 2018-01-31T10:30:59+02:00)

    1969-12-31T23:59:59,  // -1
    1970-01-01T00:00:00,  //  0
    1970-01-01T00:00:01,  //  1
    2018-01-01            //  1514764800

Delays can be expressed in minutes, hours, or days. The parsing rules are straightforward and conversions are done at parsing time:

  • INT (m|min|minute|minutes): multiply INT by 60

  • INT (h|hour|hours): multiply INT by 60 * 60

  • INT (d|day|days): multiply INT by 60 * 60 * 24

    1m,         // 60
    1min,       // 60
    1minute,    // 60
    2minutes,   // 120
    1h,         // 3600
    1hour,      // 3600
    2hours,     // 7200
    1d,         // 86400
    1day,       // 86400
    2days       // 172800


Strings are sequence of characters, whose type is string. Strings are enclosed by " or '.

    'Hello Balzac!',
    "Hello world!"


Booleans consists of two possible values: true and false. Their type is boolean (or bool for brevity).


Hashes are sequences of hexdecimal data, whose type is hash. Hashes are represented using the prefix hash: followed by the hash in hexadecimal format. The number of digits is not limited but must be even.


See Hash Functions for generating an hash value in Balzac.


Signatures are sequences of hexadecimal data, whose type is signature. Signatures are represented using the prefix sig: followed by the raw data in hexadecimal format. The number of digits is not limited but must be even.


See Cryptographic Functions for generating a signature value in Balzac.

Private keys

Private keys are represented in the Wallet Import Format (WIF) [1]. Their type is key and can be expressed using the prefix key: followed by the WIF.

Note that WIF encodes the network identifier, so the same private key has a different WIF representation in the mainnet and in the testnet.

The sidebar of the online editor allows to create new random keys (generated server side).

    // testnet
    // mainnet (same key)

Public keys

Public keys are sequences of hexadecimal data, whose type is pubkey. Public keys are represented using the prefix pubkey: followed by the raw data in hexadecimal format. The number of digits is not limited but must be even.

The sidebar of the online editor allows to create new random keys (generated server side).



Addresses are represented in the Wallet Import Format (WIF) [1]. Addresses are obtained from hashing the public key and encoded in WIF. Their type is address and can be expressed using the prefix address: followed by the WIF.

As for private keys, WIF encodes the network identifier, so the same address has a different WIF representation in the mainnet and in the testnet.

The sidebar of the online editor allows to create new random addresses (generated server side).

    // testnet
    // mainnet (same address)


Transactions can be expressed using the prefix tx: followed by the serialized transaction data in hexadecimal format. Transactions have type transaction.

Balzac features new transaction creation, as explained in section Transactions.


Boolean operations

Balzac supports classical boolean operator such as and, or and not. The syntax is Java-like: &&, || and ! respectively for and/or/not operation.

The precedence is: ! > && > ||.

The type for a boolean operation is bool and the type system ensures that both the operands are of that type.

    a == 5 && (b == "balzac" || b == "Balzac")

Arithmetic operations

Balzac supports classical arithmetic operator such as equality, addition, multiplication and so on. The syntax is Java-like:

  • a == b: true if a and b are equals, false otherwise; a and b must have the same type

  • a != b: true if a and b are not equals, false otherwise; a and b must have the same type

  • a + b: sum a and b; both must be int

  • a - b: subtract b from a; both must be int

  • a < b: true if a is less than b, false otherwise (similarly for <=, >, >=); both must be int

  • a * b: multiply a from b; both must be int

  • a / b: divide a by b (truncate); both must be int

  • -a: negate a; it must be int

The precedence is: - (unary) > * / > + - > == != > < > <= >=.

    a + 42 / 2,
    a + b > c - 1

String Concatenation

Balzac supports string concatenation through operator symbol +. When the left operand is typed as string, the right operand is converted to a string and concatenated to the left one.

    "Hello " + "world!",         // "Hello world!"
    "Hello " + "world! " + 42,   // "Hello world! 42"
    "Hello " + 42 + " world!",   // "Hello 42 world!"
    42 + " Hello world!"         // Type error


The expression e BTC, where e has type int, multiply e by 10^8. The return type is int.

Optionally, e can be followed by a decimal part . INT, where INT is a max 8-digit number (not an expression).

    1 BTC,          // 100_000_000
    (1+1) BTC,      // 200_000_000
    (1+1).3 BTC,    // 230_000_000
    (1+1).00003 BTC // 200_003_000


References allows to refer to a constant declaration or a transaction declaration (Editor syntax), or a script parameter or a transaction parameter (TODO: link).

The type of a reference depends on the referred object.

A transaction reference has always type transaction, while a constant reference has the same type of the declared constant expression. A parameter reference has the same type of the parameter it refers to.

const zero = 0                // 'zero' has type int
const one = zero + 1
const str = zero + "hello"    // type error

transaction T {...}           // 'T' has type transaction
const T1 = T                  // also 'T1'

    T == T1

Transaction declarations can specify some formal parameters that must be provided when referencing to the transaction. References with actual parameters can be specified as refname(exp1,...,expN) and the type of the actual parameters must match the formal one.

transaction T(a:int, s:signature) {...}
const s = sig:...

    T(42, s)


The keyword this can be used to refer the current transaction from the inside.

See Transaction Operations for concrete use.


The conditional statement is expressed as if expIf then expThen else expElse. It is an expression: it evaluates expThen if expIf evaluates true, expThen otherwise. Note: the else branch cannot be omitted.

The type for conditional if expIf then expThen else expElse is a', where bool is the type for expIf and a' is the type of both expThen and expElse.

    if 1 == 0 then 4 else 6,

    // Error: invalid type string, expected type bool
    if "balzac" then 4 else 6,

    // Error: invalid type string, expected type int
    if 1 == 0 then 4 else "balzac"

Numerical Expressions

Balzac features some numerical expressions due to their direct correspondence in the Bitcoin scripting language.


The maximum of two numbers can be expresses as max(a,b). This expression has type int and expects that a and b have type int.

    max(5,10) == 10


The minimum of two numbers can be expresses as min(a,b). This expression has type int and expects that a and b have type int.

    min(5,10) == 5


The expression between(x,min:max) checks the number x is between min inclusive and max exclusive. This expression has type bool and expects that x, min and max have type int.

    between(x,5,-10)     // invalid range!


The size(n) expression returns the size of n in bytes. This expression has type int and expects that n is well typed.

This expression corresponds to ⌈(log2 |n| / 7)⌉.

Hash functions

Balzac supports the same hashing function of Bitcoin, that are sha1, sha256, ripemd160, hash256 and hash160.


The expression sha1(exp), where exp has type int, string, boolean or hash, returns a SHA-1 digest (type hash).

    sha1(42),               // `echo -n -e "\\x2A" | openssl dgst -sha1`
    sha1("hello"),          // `echo -n "hello"    | openssl dgst -sha1`
    sha1(true),             // `echo -n -e "\\x1"  | openssl dgst -sha1`
    sha1(false),            // `echo -n ""         | openssl dgst -sha1`
    sha1(false) == sha1("") // true


The expression sha256(exp), where exp has type int, string, boolean or hash, returns a SHA-256 digest (type hash).

    sha256(42),                 // `echo -n -e "\\x2A" | openssl dgst -sha256`
    sha256("hello"),            // `echo -n "hello"    | openssl dgst -sha256`
    sha256(true),               // `echo -n -e "\\x1"  | openssl dgst -sha256`
    sha256(false),              // `echo -n ""         | openssl dgst -sha256`
    sha256(false) == sha256("") // true


The expression ripemd160(exp), where exp has type int, string, boolean or hash, returns a RIPEMD-160 digest (type hash).

    ripemd160(42),                      // `echo -n -e "\\x2A" | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    ripemd160("hello"),                 // `echo -n "hello"    | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    ripemd160(true),                    // `echo -n -e "\\x1"  | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    ripemd160(false),                   // `echo -n ""         | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    ripemd160(false) == ripemd160("")   // true


The expression hash256(exp), where exp has type int, string, boolean or hash, applies the SHA-256 algorithm twice, returning hash. It is equivalent to sha256(sha256(exp)).

    hash256(42),                  // `echo -n -e "\\x2A" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -sha256`
    hash256("hello"),             // `echo -n "hello"    | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -sha256`
    hash256(true),                // `echo -n -e "\\x1"  | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -sha256`
    hash256(false),               // `echo -n ""         | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -sha256`
    hash256(false) == hash256("") // true


The expression hash160(exp), where exp has type int, string, boolean or hash, applies the SHA-256 algorithm followed by RIPEMD-160, returning hash. It is equivalent to ripemd160(sha256(exp)).

    hash160(42),                  // `echo -n -e "\\x2A" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    hash160("hello"),             // `echo -n "hello"    | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    hash160(true),                // `echo -n -e "\\x1"  | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    hash160(false),               // `echo -n ""         | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -ripemd160`
    hash160(false) == hash256("") // true

Key Operations

Key operations allows to convert private keys in public ones, through toPubkey, and private/public keys in addresses, through toAddress.

However, consider that Balzac performs type coercion for keys, if possible: when a public key is required (e.g. versig expression), it is possible to use a private one; when an address is requires, both a private key and a public one can be used.


The expression k.toPubkey, where k is an expression of type key, returns the public key of k. The return type is pubkey.

const k = key:cVj2a2fp4rkykykQR65Bf9FKj7gzjY2QFyn7Kj5BwSmZvn2VQ8To



The expression k.toAddress, where k is an expression of type key or pubkey, returns the public key of k. The return type is address.

const k = key:cRmmSTUUQvgJMCmC2dFTkY9R8K7g8uzXnkif6E1qopZvjzrg9oeD
const kPub = pubkey:02d2da8344ce030e654aad19ec3ef513a80558a780ba89ca4a3f1588346aad2212

    k.toAddress == kPub.toAddress

Cryptographic functions

Balzac features cryptographic operations like signing Bitcoin transactions and verify that a given signature is valid against a public key.

Transaction signature

The expression sig(k) of T@n, where k has type key, T has type transaction, and n is an integer (note that it is not an expression of type int), generates a new signature. If omitted, n is 0 and represents the index of the input in which the signature will be added. The result type is signature.

const kA = key:cVj2a2fp4rkykykQR65Bf9FKj7gzjY2QFyn7Kj5BwSmZvn2VQ8To

transaction TA {
    input = _
    output = 10 BTC : fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = TA@0 : 42
    output = 10 BTC : fun(x) . x == hash:73475cb40a568e8da8a045ced110137e159f890ac4da883b6b17dc651b3a8049

    sig(kA) of T,    // sig:304402203b082cf8987ab8f29d1ccaf7de77a799f1d45c944d6f6fc1474001420e47c8f102203318ad2677b516166d845843fad4e5801a217fe5bb97b680d6a706d99976d15a01
    sig(kA) of TA    // ERROR: cannot sign a coinbase transaction


Cannot sign coinbase or serialized transactions

Signatures are commonly used for redeeming an output script, which must be part of the signature in Bitcoin. So, for a generic sig(k) of T@n, the output script is retrieved from input n of T.

In the previous example, sig(kA) of T is bound to input 0 and the output script TA@0 (i.e. fun(x) . x == 42 ) is part of the signature. The expression sig(kA) of TA fails because TA is a coinbase, so there is not connected output script.

Modifiers and input index

Bitcoin signatures are more complicated: they support different transaction modifiers and are bound to a specific index, that is the index of the input in which the signature will be added.

The more general form is sig(k)[MODIFIER] of T@INT, where MODIFIER := AIAO|AISO|AINO|SIAO|SISO|SINO and INT is an integer (note that it is not an expression of type int). Modifier and input index can be both omitted. If omitted, the modifier is AIAO, while the index is 0.

Each modifier is composed by two parts, *I and *O, indicating respectively the subset of inputs and of outputs being signed. The first letter of each part represents all, single, or none. A formal specification can be found in Section 3.3 of [AB+18FC]. The following table shows the correspondence of :langname: modifiers and Bitcoin ones:

Modifier key

Signature Hash Type [BW]













Implicit transaction and input index

Transaction and index can be omitted in one case. Consider the following examples:

transaction T {
    input = TA@1 : sig(k) of T
transaction T {
    input = TA@1 : s

const s = sig(kA) of T@0

Both of the examples below fail due to cyclic dependency problems, since the reference T creates a cycle. Balzac overcomes this problem omitting the transaction T to sign, when the expression is used within a transaction, that is:

transaction T {
    input = TA@1 : sig(k)

In this case, the transaction and the input index are omitted and automatically refer to the containing transaction T and input index 0. Differently from sig(k) of T, the signature sig(kA) is computed lazily, when evaluating the transaction T.

Signature Verification

The expression versig(k1,...,kn; s1,...,sm), where the expressions k1kn have type pubkey and s1sm have type signature with n <= m, evaluates true if the given signatures are valid against the provided keys, false otherwise. The result type is bool.

This expression can appear only within the script of a transaction output.

const kA = key:cVj2a2fp4rkykykQR65Bf9FKj7gzjY2QFyn7Kj5BwSmZvn2VQ8To
const kApub = kA.toPubkey

const kB = key:cRmmSTUUQvgJMCmC2dFTkY9R8K7g8uzXnkif6E1qopZvjzrg9oeD

transaction TA {
    input = _
    output = 10 BTC : fun(x) . versig(kApub; x)

transaction T {
    input = TA@0 : sig(kA)
    output = 10 BTC : fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T2 {
    input = TA@0 : sig(kB)          // WARNING: this input does not correctly spends TA@0
    output = 10 BTC : fun(x) . x == 43

Multi-signature verification

The expression versig(k1,...,kn; s1,...,sm) is called m-of-n signature verification, since all the m signatures must be valid against the list of n public keys.

Its implementation is the same as Bitcoin: the function tries to verify the last signature with the last key. If they match, the verification proceeds to verify the previous signature in the sequence, otherwise it tries to verify the signature with the previous key (and the key that failed cannot be used anymore).

Since that a key that failed cannot be used anymore in the verification process (one shoot), the order of elements in these lists matters.

For example, consider a 2-of-3 signature scheme:

const kA = key:cRmmSTUUQvgJMCmC2dFTkY9R8K7g8uzXnkif6E1qopZvjzrg9oeD
const kB = key:cPoPXKtZJmyVVKMjhphzADUDM3x6aEetk8TFGfctyAtPYPkqufjv
const kC = key:cVu2WBV1AJsWWG61diDxCrvbuQ9Kk6y7qmoLktCCV5ssht3E3yhx
const kApub = kA.toPubkey
const kBpub = kB.toPubkey
const kCpub = kC.toPubkey

transaction T {
    input = _
    output = 1BTC: fun(x, y). versig(kApub, kBpub, kCpub; x, y)

The output script versig(kApub, kBpub, kCpub; x, y) evaluates true if x and y respect the keys order.

transaction T1 {
    input = T : sig(kA) sig(kB)         // OK
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T2 {
    input = T : sig(kB) sig(kC)         // OK
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T3 {
    input = T : sig(kB) sig(kA)         // WARNING: this input does not correctly spends T@0
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T4 {
    input = T : sig(kC) sig(kB)         // WARNING: this input does not correctly spends T@0
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T5 {
    input = T : sig(kC) sig(kA)         // WARNING: this input does not correctly spends T@0
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

Time constraints

Time constraints are a special category of expression as:

  • they can be used only within output scripts

  • they stop the evaluation if not satisfied (similarly to an exception).

The main purpose of time constraints is to enforce the redeeming transaction to be valid after a certain time in the future. In fact, in order to redeem an output script with time constraints, the redeeming transaction must declare the timelock field that satisfies them.

Time constraints can express an absolute time or a relative one.

Absolute timelocks

Absolute timelock constraints allow an output script to specify the absolute time that the redeeming transaction must satisfy. That time can be either a block number or a timestamp (in seconds).


The expression checkBlock blockN : exp, where blockN has type int and exp has type T, evaluates exp if the redeeming transaction has a block absolute timelock greater than blockN, fails otherwise. Its type is T.

Moreover, the Bitcoin specification imposes that blockN < 500_000_000.

const blockN = 500_000

transaction T {
    input = _
    output =
        1 BTC: fun(x) . checkBlock blockN : x == 42

transaction T1 {
    input = T: 42
    output = 0: "test"
    absLock = block blockN + 5

transaction T2 {
    input = T: 42     // WARNING: time constraint not satisfied
    output = 0: "test"
    absLock = block blockN - 5


The expression checkDate date : exp, where date has type int and exp has type T, evaluates exp if the redeeming transaction has a block absolute timelock greater than date, fails otherwise. Its type is T.

Moreover, the Bitcoin specification imposes that date >= 500_000_000 (or 1985-11-05 00:53:20).

const deadline = 2019-01-01

transaction T {
    input = _
    output =
        1 BTC: fun(x) . checkDate deadline : x == 42

transaction T1 {
    input = T: 42
    output = 0: "test"
    absLock = date deadline + 1day

transaction T2 {
    input = T: 42     // WARNING: time constraint not satisfied
    output = 0: "test"
    absLock = date deadline - 1day

Relative timelocks

Relative timelock constraints allow an output script to specify the delay that the redeeming transaction must satisfy. That delay can be either a block number or a time delay (in seconds).


The expression checkBlockDelay blockN : exp, where blockN has type int and exp has type T, evaluates exp if the redeeming transaction has a block relative timelock greater than blockN, fails otherwise. Its type is T.

Moreover, the Bitcoin specification imposes that blockN < 65535.

const blockDelay = 500

transaction T {
    input = _
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . checkBlockDelay blockDelay : x == 42

transaction T1 {
    input = T: 42
    output = 0: "test"
    relLock = blockDelay + 5 block from T

transaction T2 {
    input = T: 42     // WARNING: time constraint not satisfied
    output = 0: "test"
    relLock = blockDelay - 5 block from T


The expression checkTimeDelay seconds : exp, where seconds has type int and exp has type T, evaluates exp if the redeeming transaction has a time relative timelock greater than seconds, fails otherwise. Its type is T.

Moreover, the Bitcoin specification imposes that seconds is a multiple of 512, and that seconds / 512 <= 65535.

const timeDelay = 1day

transaction T {
    input = _
    output = 1 BTC: fun(x) . checkTimeDelay timeDelay : x == 42

transaction T1 {
    input = T: 42
    output = 0: "test"
    relLock = timeDelay + 1h from T

transaction T2 {
    input = T: 42     // WARNING: time constraint not satisfied
    output = 0: "test"
    relLock = timeDelay - 1h from T

Transaction operations

Input Value

The expression T.input.value, where T is an expression of type transaction, returns the sum (type int) of the output values that T is redeeming.

If a transaction spends more than one output, the user can specify which input consider as T.input(i,j,...).value.

transaction coinbase1 {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 1000: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction coinbase2 {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 5000: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = [
        coinbase1: 42;
        coinbase2: 42
    output = 1000: fun(x) . x != 0

    T.input.value,      // 6000
    T.input(0,1).value, // 6000
    T.input(0).value,   // 1000
    T.input(1).value    // 5000

Output Value

The expression T.output.value, where T is an expression of type transaction, returns the sum (type int) of the output values of T.

If a transaction has more than one output, the user can specify which output consider as T.output(i,j,...).value.

transaction coinbase {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 5000: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = coinbase: 42
    output = [
        3000: fun(x) . x != 0;
        2000: fun(x) . x != 0

    T.output.value,       // 5000
    T.output(0,1).value,  // 5000
    T.output(0).value,    // 3000
    T.output(1).value     // 2000

Transaction Fees

The expression T.fees, where T is an expression of type transaction, returns the amount of fees (type int) T. This is equivalent to T.input.value - T.output.value.

transaction coinbase {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 5000: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = coinbase: 42
    output = [
        3000: fun(x) . x != 0;
        1500: fun(x) . x != 0

    T.input.value,        // 5000
    T.output.value,       // 4500
    T.fees                //  500

Transaction ID

The expression T.txid, where T is an expression of type transaction, returns the transaction id (type hash) of T. It corresponds to the double sha256 of the serialized transaction.

transaction coinbase {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 10 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = coinbase: 42
    output = 10 BTC: fun(x) . x != 0

    T.txid,     // 5adea0f653081857ebe7d422c3e8bcef6d702d54c5ce768a23dd876385f7832a
    T.txid == hash:5adea0f653081857ebe7d422c3e8bcef6d702d54c5ce768a23dd876385f7832a
                // true

Example: fees and reminders

The following example shows how the keyword this can be used inside a transaction to access its input or output value.

Remember that this refers to transaction in which it is used. The benefit of using this is that it simplifies handling transaction fees and reminders. Consider the following example:

//  Alice's public key
const pubA = pubkey:02249f0fb7e6f0ca9e0f329b24c65c2ad0f792c86856889605ca317aab2a822ffd
//  Bob's public key
const pubB = pubkey:0349702eb78f809172dd5501c926d076f60358388ab8f297976d8bd8c7b54909da
// Miner's fee
const fee = 0.00013 BTC

transaction coinbase {
    input = _    // no input
    output = 10 BTC: fun(x) . x == 42

transaction T {
    input = coinbase: 42
    output = [
        // pay 1 BTC to Bob
        1 BTC: fun(x) . versig(pubB; x);
        // take the remainder and reward the miner
        this.input.value - 1 BTC - fee: fun(x) . versig(pubB; x);

Alice owns 10 BTC and she wants to send 1 BTC to Bob. She creates a transaction T with two outputs: the first one pays Bob; the second one gives Alice the remaining bitcoins back, minus some fee that are left to the miner.


Balzac features a way of expressing a default value for any of its types. The underscore _ can be used in situation in which we are not interested in providing a value. For example, the signature computation of parametric transaction which takes a signature as parameter, or an output scripts in which a parameter is not used.

Consider the following example:

const k = key:cPGZo8VsEopkNFugJpzSaZFhwBVnajhsD5g4XzfcbhDp4VoLdgfw
const kpub = k.toPubkey

transaction Coinbase {
    input =  _
    output = 1 BTC : fun(x,n) . versig(kpub;x) && n == 11

transaction T(s:signature, n:int) {
    input = Coinbase: s n
    output = this.input.value : fun(y, s:int) .
        versig(kpub;y) ||
        checkDate 2019-01-01 : sha256(s) == hash:684888c0ebb17f374298b65ee2807526c066094c701bcc7ebbe1c1095f494fc1

// compute a signature to redeem Coinbase
const s = sig(k) of T(_,_)

Transaction T is parametric: it takes a signature s and an integer n and uses them as witnesses to redeem the transaction Coinbase. In order to compute a valid s, we must instantiate T with its actual parameters, otherwise the expression sig(k) of T complains with an error. Since s and n are witnesses in T, their value does not affect the computation of the signature, and it is convenient to use _ to express that we don’t care what their value is. Also, consider that the actual parameter for s is exactly the value we want to compute.

The output script of T takes two parameter y and s respectively of type signature and int. The script evaluates true either providing a valid signature for kpub, or providing a secret s after the date 2019-01-01 whose sha256 is equal to hash:684888c0ebb17f374298b65ee2807526c066094c701bcc7ebbe1c1095f494fc1.

// redeem T(s) providing a valid signature
transaction T1 {
    input = T(s,11) : sig(k) _
    output = this.input.value : fun(x) . x == 42

// redeem T(s) providing the secret
transaction T2 {
    input = T(s,11) : _ 42
    output = this.input.value : fun(x) . x == 42
    absLock = date 2019-01-01

Transactions T1 and T2 uses _ to express the “unused” actual parameter.
